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Perdition Sect - End Times (Full Album)

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Seeing Red Records (2020)

1. Plague Of Incompetence 00:00

2. Scorched Earth Industry 03:44

3. Not If, But When 05:56

4. Social Media Leprosy 08:42

5. Bite The Hand 11:29

6. Contagion Of Necessity 13:57

7. Infinite Incarceration 16:48

8. Missed Information 18:54

9. Your Safe Space Isn't Here 21:39

10. Progress Of Failure 24:02

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March 2020...COVID19 thrusts the world into a tidal wave of fear and uncertainty. Aaron Dallison (Keelhaul, Brian Tentacles, Axioma) and Matt Sorg (Ringworm, Shed the Skin) are sitting at the bar at Now Thats Class (Cleveland) after a The Obsessed show contemplating the future of isolation and unemployment. The two discussed having fun writing some tunes while locked down in the vein of classic Discharge while addressing what everyone is seemingly calling the possible 'End Times'. The two then enlisted good friends, Kyle Severn (Incantation, Shed the Skin) and Mike Lare (Ringworm) to round out the band and they began writing.

Using recording apps on phones, the boys collectively wrote nearly 10 songs within a week! After a month or so of quarantine, with each member rehearsing their respective parts separately, drums, guitars, bass, and vocals were then tracked in four separate sessions over a two month period at Kyle's home studio. After sending tracks up to Noah Buchanan (Nunslughter) at Mercinary Studios to harness and mix the disorder, the result is 10 tracks of Discharge-worship on the edge of uncertainty staring into the face of the End Times. Hell is now and most certainly Here is Hell!

Released December 11, 2020


Matt Sorg - (Ringworm, Shed The Skin) - Guitar, Leads

Aaron Dallison - (Brain Tentacles, Axioma) - Guitar, Vocals

Mike Lare - (Eternal Bloodshed, Ringworm) - Bass, Vocals

Kyle Severn - (Incantation, Shed The Skin) - Drums

Recorded by Kyle Severn at Severn Studios, Galloway, OH.

Mixed, mastered, and leads recorded by Noah Buchanan (Midnight, Nunslaughter) at Mercinary Studios, Avon, OH

Cover art by Justin Meyer (Dark Art and Craft, Axioma)

Logo by Aaron Dallison

Layout by Nestor Carrera

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