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The Tune Wranglers - They Go Wild Over Me (1936).

Playing Next: Club Kuru - You Want It Bad
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PIC SHOWS Circa 1935 :Left to Right
Tom Dickey, Red Brown, Curly Williams, Eddie Whitley, Buster Coward and Charley Gregg

(1917 - Written by Fred Fisher - Joseph McCarthy).
1st. Recorded 1917 by Marion Harris as
\"They Go Wild Simply Wild Over Me\"

Issued on Bluebird 6310 B.

Recorded 27 February 1936 - [09.30 - 13.00] - Texas Hotel, 231 E. Martin St., San Antonio, TEXAS - Red Brown [vcl/tenor banjo], Buster Coward [gt], Tom Dickey [fiddle], Curly Williams [string bass], Eddie Whitley [piano].
Producer : Eli E. Oberstein.

Band Formed in 1934 by Buster Coward and Tom Dickey
Recorded 1936 to 1938 with Various Members
Disbanded in 1940
Revived Briefly after the War by Buster Coward

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