Scatha were a DIY Celtic styled Anarcho, Crust punk band.
Formed in mid 1995, Glasgow, Scotland, from the ashes of Sedition, Disaffect and Stretchheads. Active until 2003.
Andy Irvine, Angus Quinn, Billy Steele, Brian Curran, Craig Bryce, Gordon, Iain Blue, Jamie Usher, Jason Boyce, Johnny
.Note: All I need is the Before The Dust Settles 2007 But it was free downloadable years back on their old page but it's long dead and gone sadly... If anyone has it please let me know! I'd love to hear it and upload it on for all to hear!
Disclaimer - My channel is attended to be nothing more but a way for people to find rare, unique, and lost punk and punk sub-genres from the 80,'s ,90's, 2000-Today that I happen to come across exploring online or have recommendations. If you are apart of the band or label, and you wish for me to take down this video, please, comment down if any issues. Thank you & enjoy! - Fox