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Microsoft Photos Music - Spooky Story

Playing Next: A Day To Remember - If it means a lot to you LYRICS
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Me when I'm at Luigi's Mansion.

In the fact of end of support for Windows 7 and the time for Windows 7 users to move on to Windows 10, I've decided to start a series of videos showcasing all of the preexisting background music Microsoft Photos, exclusive to Windows 8-10, has to offer, each composed of a same set of pictures gathered from my school computer drive, school Google Drive, and the Internet (yep, there's lots of Sonic the Hedgehog, but they're quite irrelevant to the video subject) to demonstrate the \"sync video to beat\" setting (and my non-sequitur sense). Because this was made in mind to showcase a song, you're free to do a YT-to-MP3 on this and use the song for any non-commercial purpose (see copyright disclaimer). Also pick out your favorite images and comment about them in the comments.


Seeking more MS Photos music?

Actual song name: (unprovided)

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: This song was found on Microsoft Photos and is presumably royalty-free (because then else, why would we be able to put it freely in our projects?). MOST of the images used in this video are NOT by me and belong to their rightful owners. The images by me will usually be a crude Sonic drawing or a photo of two rats or an Eevee-like rabbit.

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