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Josh Okeefe, "Runaway Train" // GemsOnVHS

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Josh and Cora Okeefe invited me, after hanging with them maybe three times, to stay with them and their family across the Atlantic in the United Kingdom for a month. All kinds of things could've went wrong here; we could've ended up hating each other, the tour could've been a bust, hell, i'm a former felon and wasn't even sure if i'd be admitted through the border.

Well, turns out my strategy of just rolling the dice worked out. He had a whole tour planned, covering every corner of the country. Glasgow, Leeds, Newcastle, London, Manchester, Skegness (jk), all the way to Wales, I saw the whole damn place. His family welcomed me as if I was just another son. His songwriting and performances made me laugh, cry and everything in between, right along with the crowds. He's young, and already one of the best writers i've ever met. Best of all, I gained some new lifelong friends and memories to last a lifetime.

In this instance, we hopped (via legal means) a train through the English countryside on an old recommissioned passenger car to the city of Duffield. We'd brought the guitar along, and the conductor & passengers couldn't get enough. Josh practically played them a concert, some Cash and Dylan, traditional Irish tunes and this one, an original.

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GemsOnVHS is a long running series of intimate, off-stage performances by songwriters we love. Wanna chat? Send us an email at
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shot/edited by Anthony Simpkins

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