(The music of Frank Foster recorded under his direction)
George Gee Big Band
GJazz Records 2004
On three magical days in April of 2004, the legendary Count Basie saxman, composer, arranger & NEA Jazzmaster Frank Foster led The 17 pc. George Gee Swing Orchestra (Big Band) through a rehearsal, show at Birdland and recording session for the \"Settin' the Pace\" project. This recording features the arrangements and compositions by Papa Foss, including the never-before-recording of the title track.
Frank Foster and bandleader George Gee struck up a friendship a decade earlier, with guest appearances at then jazz club, Metropolis in NYC. A recording project with the big band was always in consideration and the stars aligned perfectly in 2004 for the collaboration to come to fruition!
On April 19th the band gathered at Carroll's Studios in Time Square (the infamous rehearsal hall for ALL the legendary Big Bands!). On April 20th the band paid tribute to Foster at a sold out performance at the jazz corner of the world, Birdland. Then bright and early the next morning, everybody crossed the river to Brooklyn for the recording session at Peter Karl Studios.
Every step of this three day process was lovingly watched and under the careful guidance of Mr. Frank Foster! He was extremely proud to be associated with \"Settin' The Pace\" and we are extremely grateful for his always reliable unconditional love and support. The recording released later that year to excellent reviews and received consistent radio airplay - cracking the jazz charts on Thanksgiving weekend 2004.
Proving that we have so much to be thankful and an experience that we will hold dearly to our hearts for the rest of musical eternity.
Dedicated to the legacies and memories of Frank Foster and trombonists Eddie Bert and Charles Stephens - gone but not forgotten.
Thank you all for \"Settin' the Pace!\"
The Big Band :
Frank Foster - conductor, composer and arranger
George Gee - bandleader
Ed Pazant, Marshal McDonald - alto saxophones/ flutes
Michael Hashim, Lance Bryant - tenor saxophones
Howard Johnson - baritone saxophone, bass clarinet
Eddie Bert, Charles Stephens, Bob Trowers - trombones
Jack Jeffers - bass trombone
Walt Szymanski, Steve Wiseman, Shawn Edmonds, Mark McGowan - trumpets